Anne Sofie Tegner Anker

Anne Sofie Tegner Anker


Cand.scient.soc. ph.d.

+45 42 72 68 78

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Kriminalitet, straf, intergenerational transmission, familiestabilitet.



Anker, Anne Sofie Tegner (2021). Educational Consequences of Paternal Incarceration: Evidence from a Danish Policy Reform. Journal of Quantitative Criminology


Anker, Anne Sofie Tegner and Andersen, Lars H. (2021). Does the Intergenerational Transmission of Crime Depend on Family Complexity? Journal of Marriage and Family. Online First


Anker, Anne Sofie Tegner and Wildeman, Christopher (2021). Family Visitation Patterns during Incarceration in Denmark. Journal of Family Issues. Online First


Anker, Anne Sofie Tegner, Andersen, Lars H., & Wildeman, Christopher (2020). Estimating and Explaining Ethnic Disparities in the Cumulative Risk of Paternal Incarceration in Denmark. Demographic Research, 43:617-658


Anker, Anne Sofie Tegner, Doleac, Jennifer L., & Landersø, Rasmus (Forthcoming). The Effects of DNA Databases on the Deterrence and Detection of Offenders. AEJ: Applied Economics


Andersen, Lars H., Anker, Anne Sofie Tegner, & Andersen, Signe Hald (2016). A Formal Decomposition of Declining Youth in Denmark. Demographic Research, 35:1303-1316


Anker, Anne Sofie Tegner & Andersen, Signe Hald (2016). Fra fængsel til job? En evaluering af projekt JobUpdate [From Prison to Employment? An Evaluation of Project JobUpdate]. ROCKWOOL Fondens Forskningsenhed. Arbejdspapir 42